Sunday, April 2, 2017

English Grammar

English Grammar
Choose the correct verb and complete the sentences.                                   5
  a. All of the money ………….(is/are) mine.
  b. All of the windows………(is/are) open.
  c. We saw five movies. Some of the movies………(was/were) interesting.
  d. Half of the glass…………..(is/are) empty.
  e. Half of the pockets…………..(is/are) empty.
  f. Most of the students ……..(arrives/arrive) on time.
  g. One of my best students in my class…………(lives/live) Australia.
  h. Some of the students in my………….(have/has) laptop computers.
  i. One of my best students in this class…………(have/has) moustache.
  j. None of the letters…………….(are/is) for you.
7. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from the brackets.                   5
    a. My bicycle tire has a slow……….(leak/leek)
    b. I would …….like to go with you. (knot/not)
   c. There are seven days in one……….(weak/week)
   d. Tolstoy was a …………Russian writer.    (grate/great)
   e. The honey bee returned to…………hive. (its/it’s)
   f. He …………sandwiches for their lunch.
   g. A doughnut has a ………in the centre. (hole/whole)
   h. He ………better but he did it anyway. (knew/new)
   i. I have never…………..such a messy room. (scene/seen)
   j. He is the………..owner of the company.  (sole/soul)
7. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.                                                    5
  a. She said, “I am reading.”
  b. They said, “We are busy.”
  c. He said, “I know a better supermarket.”
  d. She said, “I woke up early.”
  e. He said, “I will ring her.”
  f. He said, “I’ll clean the car.”
  g. She said, “I did not say that.”
  h. She said, “I don’t know where my shoes are.”
  i. He said, “I won’t tell anyone.”
  j. He said, “This is our book.”
8. Write aprostrophe into the gaps.                                       5
  a. I met……….sister yesterday. (Tina)
  b. This is ……… (Rahul)
  c. The ……… is upstairs. (children)
  d. ………sister is twelve years old. (Mina)
  e. ……shoes are on the second floor. (Men)
  f. My…………….car was not expensive.      (parents)
  g. This is the ………… (boy)
  h. These are the………….pencils. (boys)
  i. Mohan and Goma are …………..parents. (Deepa)
  j. Susan is a ……… (girl)                                                                  
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                        5
  a. I have……….bananas and mangoes. (a few/ a little)
  b. The farmer has two cows and six ………... (calf/calves)
  c. Look at this building. This is the ………..hostel. (boy/boys)
  d. There is plenty of ………but we need some more coffee. (sugar/oranges)
  e. How ……money have you got?     (much/many)
  f. An old…………….was playing the flute.   (man/men)
  g. How …………..people are coming? (much/many)
  h. Does he eat much………….? (meat/cookies)
  i. Some …………..were playing football. (boy/boys)
  j. Several ………..were ready to play the match. (boy/boys)
10. All each blank with a suitable article if necessary.                                              5
  a. ……….sun is ………big star.
  b. Sri Lanka is ………..island.
  c. She looks beautiful in ………..coat.
  d. ……earth looks blue from space.
  e. I met…….very interesting man today.
  f. Brunai is…………oil producing country.
  g. He’s …….very capable English teacher.
  h. He pointed to a woman in…………green dress.
  i. What is ……..worst disease you know?
11. Fill each with a suitable choosing from the brackets.                              5
  a. Hand me ……..hammer. (that/those)
  b. I saw……….in the mirror. (me/myself)
  c. “My name is Simran………study in Grade seven.” (I / She)
  d. You can’t read ……….poster from here. It is very far. (this/that)
  e. Goma isn’t from Dharan. ………… from Biratnagar. (she/it)
  f. ………..people next to me are friendly and helpful.  (These/Those)
  g. Pukar and I are good friends……….study in the same class. (He/We)
  h. Diya, Niya and Mina aren’t fat.  ……….are slim. (He/She/They)
  i. ………..are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. (That / Those)
  j. His friends are so strong ………….are athletes. (he/she/They)
12. Fill each blank with a suitable pronoun choosing the brackets.              5
  a. He has a bad temper so he must learn to control………(itself/himself)
  b. We thoroughly enjoyed……….at the party on Sunday. (ourselves/themselves)
  c. Have you heard………….story before? (that / those)
  d. I met Suman and …………at the park.  (they/them)
  e. That monkey is scratching…………..herself / itself/themselves)
  f. My brother and I brought…………some apples. (ourselves/themselves)
  g. She cooks for ……………every day. (herself/himself/myself)
  h. Those plumbs look juicy. Give me a kilo of ………., please. (it/them)
  i. The dog wagged…………..tail. (it/its)
  j. Please fasten………….seat belts. (your/yours)

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