Monday, April 3, 2017

Grade 1 Science Question

Subject: Science                                                           Full Mark: 100
Class: I                                Time: 3 hrs                       Pass Mark:  40
Name:.......................................................... Roll. No.:.......... Sec.:..........
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets.  [0.5×10=5]
a.     Mis-use of fire may cause……………………..(accident, pleasure)
b.    ………………is used for firing. (water, kerosene)
c.     Telephone sends…………………..message. (voice, newspaper)
d.    Very strong winds are called……………………(rainy/stroms)
e.     We wear…………………………clothes on cold days. (woollen/cotton)
f.      The main source of heat and light is ………………….(sun/moon)
g.     Plants use sunlight to ……………………(see, make food)
h.    Dirty water makes us ………………………(healthy, ill)
i.       Leopard is the …………………….running animals. (fastest, slowly)
j.       The baby of goat is called…………………………(calf, kid)
Q.N.2. Write (T) for correct sentences and (F) for false sentence: [0.5×10=5]
a.     We get energy from food.
b.    Bamboo is the fastest growing plant.
c.     Television sends voice and images.
d.    Dog eats both plants and flesh.
e.     Deer is the fastest running animals.
f.      Water is boiled to kill the germs.
g.     We should make our environment dirty.
h.    Honey bee is an useful insect.
i.       Banyan plant is a herb.
j.       We use different flowers to make our home beautiful.
Q.N.3. Answer the following questions:                             [2×10=20]
a.     What is communication?
b.    Write the names of any two sources of fire.
c.     What does sun give us?
d.    What are storms?
e.     In which weather do we wear woollen clothes?
f.      What is dirty environment?
g.     Why humans are called omnivores?
h.    Why housefly called harmful insect?
i.       What are trees?

j.       What are domestic animals?
Q.N.4. Write the shelters of the following animals:           [5×1=5]
    a. Cow …………………………..      b. pig………………………………
   c. Bee………………………………    d. spider…………………………..
  e. Tiger………………………..
Q.N.4. Complete the missing letters:                         [ 5 ]
  a. E………..v……… ……. On ………e………..t
  b. C…….rn……  ………. O ……….  ………..s
  c. R……..i…………oc……  ………  ………s
  d. H……….r……….iv…….…  ……….. es
  e. H………..n…….y…………ee
Q.N.5. Who am I?                                                                 [5×1=5]
a.     I am called kitchen of plants. I am ………………
b.    I am underground part of a plant. I take water and nutrient from the soil. I am …………………………
c.     You cannot see me. You will die without me. I am………………….
d.    I live in a shed. I am ………………………………………
e.     I am two in number. I help you to hear………………….
Q.N.7. Name the following:                                                                [0.5×10=5]
a.     Any two uses of fire.
       ……………………………………..         ………………………………..
b.    Any two pet animals.
      …………………………………….. ………………………………..

c.     Any two tools that we use for communication.
         …………………………………….. ………………………………..
d.    Any two sources of water.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
e.     Any two herbs.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
f.      Any two things that cannot grow.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
g.     Any two milk giving animals.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
h.    Any two hornless animals.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
i.       Any two insects.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
j.       Any two medicine plants.
     …………………………………….. ………………………………..
Q.N.6. Rearrange the letters following letter to make suitable words: [5×1=5]
   a. getbleaves = …………………………………………..
   b. berucucm = …………………………………………..
   c. ortisoet = …………………………………………..
   d. ardtmus = …………………………………………..
   e. Hisbiucs = …………………………………………..
Q.N.7. Complete the second pair:                                                           [5]
   a. Reptile = …………………………………………..
   b. Bird = …………………………………………..
   c. Fibre = …………………………………………..
   d. Monkey = …………………………………………..
   e. Sugar = …………………………………………..
Q.N.8. Solve the crossword puzzle:                                              [5]

Q.N.9. Write the names of the types of weather:                         [4×1=4]

Q.N.10. Write down any five feature of living things:                         [5×1=5]
1)   ………………………………………………
2)   ………………………………………………
3)   ………………………………………………
4)   ………………………………………………
5)   ………………………………………………
Q.N.11. Answer the following questions in a single word:                  [5×1=5]
a.     Where does the sun rise?
b.    What is moving air called?
c.     Which clothes do you wear in winter?

d.    What does sun give us?
e.     Where do we keep dogs?
Q.N.12. Tick (P) the odd one:                                                                         [5]
   a.             Flower                          Stem                    Branch                 Root
  b.              Maize                            Bean                    Pea                       Coconut
  c.              Monkey                        Donkey               Chimpanzee                 Dog
  d.              Rose                              hibiscus               lemon                  Cucumber
  e.              House                            kitchen                Bathroom            Road
Q.N.13. Match the following:                                                                 [5]
   Pet bird                                            Honey bee
   Wild animals                                  Gosling
   Insect                                               Parrot
   Goose                                              Cub
   Tiger                                                Tiger
Q.N.14. Complete the names of the seeds, fruit and flower:                          [4]
     a.                                                    b.
     c.                                                  d.
Q.N.15. Make a list of four things that make your schools environment dirty:
    a.   ……………………………….    b. ……………………………….
     c.  ……………………………….    d. ……………………………….

Q.N.16. Name two animals that eat each of the following kinds of food:
a.     Fruits "  ………………………..           ………………………
b.    Grains "  ………………………..          ………………………
c.     Insects "  ………………………..                   ………………………
d.    Plants "  ………………………..           ………………………
e.     Flesh "  ………………………..            ………………………
f.      Both plants and flesh "  …………………..             ……………………
Q.N.17. Draw the picture of plant and label it:                                     [2]

*Best of Luck*

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