Sunday, September 3, 2017

English Skills

Mid Terminal Examination-2073
Subject: English Skill                                                                                  Full Mark:100
Class: VII                                    Time: 3 Hrs.                                          Pass Mark:  40
1.         Read the following article and do the activities that follow. [15]
                                                Anuradha Koirala and A Saviour
                        Anuradha Koirala is a renowned social worker from Nepal. She is the founder of Maiti Nepal, an organization that resuces and rehabilitates women who have been abused, kidnapped or trafficked.
                        Ms Anuradha Koirala was born on April 14, 1949 in Okhaldhunga. For more than twenty years, She worked as an English teacher in various reputed schools in Kathmandu.
                        Later, she changed her course of life as she realized that she should do something for kidnapped and sold daughters of Nepal who had been living a nightmarish life. With the aim of helping them, Anuradha founded Maiti Nepal in 1993. Through this organization she fights for women’s rights. Today it is a network of legal services, counseling, hostel and rehabilitation centre, library, vocational training, and school in Kathmandu. It also has rescue centre in various parts of the boarder areas between Nepal and India. Today Anuradha is organized as a social worker who has dedicated her life depending the rights of women and children. For her contribution, Anuradha was awarded CNN Heroes Award in 2010. If she had not worked hard and proved herself, she would not have got the award. She is an inspiration to women all around the world.
A.      Fill in the blanks with correct words from above article.[5]
a.       Anuradha Koirala was initially a _______
b.       Anuradha won an award in 2010 from _______
c.        Today, Anuradha Koirala is recognized as a _______
d.       Anuraddha Koirala is the _______ of Maiti Nepal.
e.        Through this organization she fights for _______
B.      Answer the following  questions:  [10]
a.       Who is the founder  of Maiti  Nepal?
b.       What activities does Maiti Nepal do?
c.        Why was Anuraadha Koirala awarded with the CNN Heroes Award 2010?
d.       How do the women around the world take her?
e.        What motivated Anuraddha Koirala to work being as a social worker?
2.         Answer the following questions based on your text book.  [20]
a.    Why is Rajesh Hamal famous? How many awards has he won?
b.    Why should the footpaths be constructed?
c.     How do the clubs and sport centers help the youth?/
d.    What are the causes of floods? Anny four.
e.     Which is the most disastrous flood of the last century?  How many people died due to the flood?
f.     What qualities does the vacuum cleaner have according to the salesman?
g.     Why is the Indian film industry called Bollywood? Would you like Indian film? Why or Why not?
h.    What kinds of lines and colours are used in Hokusai’s painting?
i.      How are computers and human brains similar and different?
j.      How did Daniel save the local people’s live?
3.         Match the following.             [6]
Absorb                                   to cause liquid to change into gas
Evaporate                             answer to a problem
Solution                                 to build something
Construct                              to take something in ( a sponge takes in a lot of water)
Mass                                      fast and suddenly
Periodic                                  to join together to make one
Combine                               a large amount of something
Rapidly                                  sometimes but not often
Occasionally                         happening repeatedly over a period of time
The  superstar                       Anuradha Koirala
Social worker                        Rajesh Hamal
A clean environment          a peaceful environment
4.         Complete the sentences with your own idea.   [6]
a.       If I were born in an English country, ________
b.       If there were flying cars, ________
c.        If you were not able to speak, ________
d.       If elephants were as intelligent as humans, ________
e.        If you were the president of your country, ________
f.        If you were not sent to school, ___________
5.         Write the following suggestions in two ways. [7]
            A: let’s have a party.
            A: let’s make some noodles.
            A: let’s watch a movie.
            A: let’s organize a game.
            A: let’s eat outside.
            A: let’s walk for sometime.
            A: let’s go together.
6.         Are the following statements true or false. [7]
a.       Anuradha Koirala was born in Okhaldhunga.
b.       Rajesh Hamal has won 14 national film awards for “Best Actor” till date.
c.        The salesman carries some dust with him.
d.       The lady’s house was full of dust.
e.        The lady finally buys the vacuum cleaner.
f.        Preeti stood on hand in her lasts performance.
g.        Liones Messi is a Brazillian footballer.
h.       Barcelona won the match with Juventus.
i.         The human brain can’t hold as much information as a computer.
j.         Different people are good at remembering different things.
k.       Priya’s mother was not felling well.
l.         Mr. Thapa found that his wife was not well.
m.     Most teenagers in Britain have a part-time job.
n.       When we look at the Maha Jodi, it looks like they are enemies.
7.         Change the following sentences into passive voice.:     [5]
a.       The farmer built the house.
b.       We ate every bit of food.
c.        You should not wash this dress by hand.
d.       Nobody invites Nikhil to  parties.
e.        Miss Shrestha has washed these clothes.
f.        They are building a bridge here.
g.        They are going to build a temple in the village.
h.       Somebody stole my pen yesterday.
i.         Ali will finish the work by 5:00 pm.
j.         Someone will clean the park tomorrow.
8.         Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:                   [8]
a.       Do you work ________ Saturday. (at, in, on)
b.       I went to Janakpur ________ june. (for, since, in)
c.        Dhan bahadur worked there ________ three years. (for, since)
d.       Biswosta was born ________ 2004. (in, on)
e.        Aa plane flew over our house ________ noon.  (in, at, on)
f.        They are going ________ Pokhara next month. (in. on, to)
g.        My brother lives ________ Kathmandu. (in, on)
h.       Nima got up ________ 7 o’clock this morning. (in, on, at)
i.         This necklace is made ________ sliver. (of, with, by)
j.         Kunal fell ________ a ladder. (off, for, in)
k.       I play basketball ________ the weekend. (on, at, in)
l.         I like to go to a party ________  New year’s eve. (in, on)
m.      We usually go on holiday ________ summer. (on, in, at)
n.       Someone is knocking ________ the door. (at, in, off)
o.       Binod smiled ________ me. (to, at, for)
p.       Mr. Sahani is leaving for America ________ January. (in. on. at)
9.         Fill in the blanks with a suitable tag questions:              [8]
a.       I have bought a dress, ________?
b.       I need a break, ________?
c.        She and I will sit here, ________?
d.       They and I will sit here, ________?
e.        You and they can do it, ________?
f.        Binod is a mechanic, ________?
g.        Anu is a nurse, ________?
h.       Milk is good for us, ________?
i.         This is your book, ________?
j.         Somebody did, ________?
k.       There is boy in the hall, ________?
l.         One should be responsible for it, ________?
m.     Shut the door, ________?
n.       Let’s go on a picnic, ________?
o.       Don’t make a noise here, ________?
p.       Let us watch a movie, ________?
10.      Use the past simple or the past perfect in the following sentences.            [3]
a.    Before the police arrived, the robbers ________ (leave) the scene.
b.    After Saman had broken the window, he ________ (run) from the scene.
c.     Before the fire ________ (destroy) the camp, they had left it.
d.    Raman ________ (already/ arrive) when they asked me about him.
e.     The president ________ (just, leave) when we reached his office.
f.     Shiva ________ (break) his ruler when the teacher asked for it.
11.      Write an invitation letter to your friend, inviting at your birthday party.             [5]
12.      Write an essay on any on e of the following topics in about 150 words.  [10]
            a. Superstition
            b. Democracy

*Best of Luck*

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