Sunday, September 3, 2017

Global News

      Trump revisits Texas as pressure to meet with survivors mounts
            WASHINGTON, Sep 3 : (Xinhua) U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday paid a second visit to Texas, after he was criticized for keeping distance from flooded areas and survivors during his first visit.
            Trump, along with First Lady Melania, arrived at Ellington Field, Texas before noon and joined hurricane survivors at a relief center in Houston as they lined up for lunch.
            Trump stopped for hugs and posed for photos with flood survivors and offered words of encouragement for those affected by the deadly storm.
            "The message is that things are working out well. Really, I think people appreciate what's been done. It's been done very efficiently," he said.            Trump also credited Texas government for relief efforts, and pledged full support from the federal government on reconstruction.
            Trump also adjusted the Texas Disaster Declaration, which he originally signed on Aug. 25, by increasing the level of federal funding for debris removal from 75 percent to 90 percent.
            The first couple will also travel to Louisiana later Saturday to meet with local officials and relief workers.Trump first visited Texas on Tuesday, but stayed away from the most badly hit regions. He came under fire on Wednesday for tweeting that he "witnessed first hand the horror and devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey," which was refuted by reporters.
            The White House later issued a statement saying that Trump had met with local officials that were "eating, sleeping, breathing the Harvey disaster," and it was "certainly a first hand account."
10-       Musharraf says will face Bhutto murder trial in Pakistan
ISLAMABAD, Sep 3 : (AFP) - Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf said he would return to Pakistan to face trial in the murder case of ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
A Pakistani court on Thursday pronounced Musharraf a fugitive in the murder trial but acquitted five men accused of involvement in the 2007 assassination of Bhutto, the first female prime minister of a Muslim country.
In a statement issued to the media Sunday, Musharraf said the verdict of the Rawalpindi Anti Terrorism Court was not against him.
"I will certainly come back to Pakistan and face the trial, as and when I am medically fit," he said."I have been framed in the Benazir Bhutto murder case by way of political victimization, while I had nothing to do with her untimely and tragic death," he said.
"I have not been the beneficiary of prime minister Benazir Bhutto's murder and the entire case as pitched against me is materially false, fictitious, fabricated and is a result of political intrigue," the former army chief said.

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The anti-terrorism court branded Musharraf as an absconder and ordered the confiscation of his property.
The verdicts are the first to be issued since Bhutto was killed in a gun and suicide bomb attack nearly a decade ago, sparking street violence and plunging Pakistan into months of political turmoil.
Former president and military ruler Musharraf is alleged to have been part of a broad conspiracy to have his political rival killed before elections. He has denied the allegation.
He was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy for murder, and facilitation for murder in 2013, in an unprecedented move against an ex-army chief, challenging beliefs the military is immune from prosecution.
But he has been in self-imposed exile in Dubai ever since a travel ban was lifted three years later.Musharraf's government blamed the assassination on Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, who denied any involvement. He was killed in a US drone attack in 2009.
In 2010, the UN report accused Musharraf's government of failing to give Bhutto adequate protection and said her death could have been prevented.IS has suffered multiple defeats across Syria and neighboring Iraq in recent months, notably in its main Syrian base of Raqqa.
Syria's conflict has killed more than 320,000 people and displaced millions since it started with anti-government demonstrations in 2011.Enditem
11-       150 killed as IS group fighting for last bastion with Syrian troops
DAMASCUS, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Fierce clashes between the Islamic State (IS) group and pro-regime forces in central Syria have left over 150 fighters dead, local media cited a monitor source as saying on Sunday.
The report said 120 IS fighters "were killed in clashes in and around the town of Uqayribat in the eastern Hama countryside, along with at least 35 regime troops and loyalist militiamen," according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The town is the jihadist group's last bastion in the central province apart from a handful of small villages.
Pro-government forces seized Uqayribat on Friday night, but IS responded with a counter-offensive on Saturday that left it in control of most of the town, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.
An intense barrage of artillery fire and Syrian and Russian air strikes on jihadist positions allowed pro-regime forces on Sunday morning to push the jihadists back out of the town and advance on villages to the west that remain under IS control. IS has suffered multiple defeats across Syria and neighboring Iraq in recent months, notably in its main Syrian base of Raqqa.Syria's conflict has killed more than 320,000 people and displaced millions since it started with anti-government demonstrations in 2011.Enditem
12-       Modi leaves on a five-day visit to China, Myanmar
New Delhi, Sep 3 : (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi today left on a three-day visit to China to attend the BRICS Summit which he hoped would support the agenda for a stronger partnership among the member countries, amid strain in Sino- India ties over a host of issues.
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On the second leg of his five-day tour, Modi will travel to Myanmar for his first bilateral visit with an aim of charting a roadmap for closer cooperation between the two countries in areas which include security and counter- terrorism.
In a statement yesterday, the prime minister said he was looking forward to productive discussions and positive outcomes at the BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) Summit in Xiamen city, building upon the results of last year's Goa Summit between him and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The visit comes days after India and China managed to end the 73-day-long Dokalam standoff. From Xiamen, he will travel to Myanmar on August 5 before returning to the country on August 7.
A possible meeting between Modi and Chinese leader Xi on the margins of the Summit will be a major focus at a time when ties between the two major powers have nosedived over a number of issues including the Dokalam stand-off.
"I look forward to building upon the results and outcomes of the Goa Summit. I also look forward to productive discussions and positive outcomes that will support the agenda of a stronger BRICS partnership under the chairmanship of China," the PM said in a statement.
The Summit meeting will take place tomorrow.The prime minister said he will have the opportunity to meet leaders bilaterally on the sidelines of the BRICS meet.
Replying to a specific question, the Ministry of External Affairs on Friday did not rule out a possible meeting between Modi and Chinese president on the margins of the Summit, saying it is a common practice to arrange bilateral meetings on the sidelines of such multilaterals.
India had hosted the previous BRICS Summit in Goa last year."India attaches high importance to the role of BRICS that has begun a second decade of its partnership for progress and peace. BRICS has important contributions to make in addressing global challenges and upholding world peace and security," Modi said.
The prime minister said he was looking forward to engaging with leaders of nine other countries, including BRICS partners, in an Emerging Markets and Developing Countries Dialogue, being hosted by Xi on September 5.
"We will also interact with the BRICS Business Council represented by captains of industry from all the five countries," he said.
About his first bilateral visit to Myanmar, Modi said both countries will look at strengthening existing cooperation in areas of security and counter-terrorism, trade and investment, infrastructure and energy, and culture.He hoped his visit will help in charting a roadmap for closer cooperation between the two countries.
The prime minister said both countries will review developments in bilateral ties with a focus on "extensive" programme of development cooperation and socio-economic assistance India is undertaking in Myanmar.
Both sides will also explore new areas of cooperation, the statement said. Modi said he was looking forward to paying a visit to the famed heritage city of Bagan, where the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has done a "stellar work" in renovating the Ananda Temple.

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The ASI will be undertaking further restoration work on a number of pagodas and murals that were damaged in an earthquake last year, he said.Modi had visited Myanmar in 2014 to attend the ASEAN- India Summit.
The prime minister will meet President U Htin Kyaw and hold talks with State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi.The Myanmarese president and Suu Kyi had visited India last year.
13-       Modi congratulates those inducted in Council of Ministers
New Delhi, Sep 3 : (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi today congratulated all those who joined his Council of Ministers, saying their experience and wisdom would add immense value to it.Nine ministers took oath and four were promoted as Cabinet ministers as part of the third reshuffle carried out by Modi carried out in as many years.
The ministers promoted were Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Dharmendra Pradhan, Piyush Goyal and Nirmala Sitharaman."I congratulate all those who have taken oath today.
Their experience & wisdom will add immense value to the Council of Ministers," the prime minister tweeted shortly after the swearing-in ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhawan.
"I congratulate my colleagues @dpradhanbjp, @PiyushGoyal, @nsitharaman and @naqvimukhtar on joining the Union Cabinet," he added.All the new ministers were from the BJP as its allies were not part of the exercise. Six ministers of the Union Cabinet had put in their papers, days ahead of the reshuffle.A highlight of the third reshuffle was the induction of people with proven administrative ability, underlining the prime minister's efforts to give a fresh impetus to governance.RSS


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