Sunday, September 3, 2017

Social Studies

Mid Terminal Examination-2073
Subject: Social Studies                            Full Mark:100
Class: VI               Time: 3 Hrs.              Pass Mark:  40
1.    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.[5]
a.     The traffic symbols in ______ give information about road.
b.     The __________ light asks us to be ready.
c.      Because of its physical and cultural diversity Nepal is called __________
d.     All Nepalese people collectively form the ________
e.      Our national anthem was compose by __________
f.       The earth originated about ______ billion years ago.
g.     The actual shape of the earth is __________
h.     There are _______ planets in our solar system.
i.       Nepal covers an area of _____ percent in the world.
j.       __________ refers to the average weather pattern.
2.    Identify true or false. [5]
a.     We should not follow rules in out class.
b.     A far- sighted man is wealth of the nation.
c.      An ideal citizen must be unconscious.
d.     Selfishness is not a good character of citizens.
e.      Villagers were the citizens of the city states of the ancient Greece.
f.       Civil rights must be misused.
g.     Rights and duties are very closely interdependent
h.     We should follow traffic rules and help to maintain roods.
i.       Nepal is a secular state where all religions are not equal.
j.       The Hilly region lies to the north of Himalayan region.
3.    Match the following countries with their capital. [5]
              Country                             Capital
a.     Afghanistan                        Beijing
b.     Bangladesh                         New Delhi
c.      Bhutan                                Baghdad
d.     China                                  Vientiane
e.      India                                   Tokyo
f.       Indonesia                            Teharan
g.     Iran                                     Jakarta
h.     Iraq                                     Dhaka
i.       Japan                                  Kabul
j.       Laos                                    Thimpu
4.    Write meaning of the following words.                [7]
Authentic,  Congestion,   Allegiance,  Converge,  Forestry, Contract, Tectonic                          
5.    Give very short answer of the following questions.
a.  When was the first constitution of Nepal formulated?
b.  What are the three organs of government?
c.   When was the present constitution of Nepal promulgated?
d.  What is meant by traffic rules?
e.   What is the meaning of democracy?
f.    What kind of government system was there in Nepal before 2063 B.S?
g.  What portion of the earth is covered by water?
h.  Why are the rocks in the inner part of the earth in molten form?
i.    What is a hemisphere?
j.    Write the geographical location of Asia.
k.  What is the total area of Nepal?
l.    In which direction does Nepal have its artificial boundary?
m.  What is the north-south average width of Nepal?
n.  Why do people of the Terai wear a few and light cotton clothes?
o.  What is a map?
p. Who are most responsible for climate change?
q.  What is meant by disaster?
r.   What are the two most important methods of minimizing climate change?
s.   Make a traffic symbol for No parking.
t.    Write any two qualities of an ideal citizen.
6.    Give short answer of these questions.                   [40]
a.     Make a list of any four important duties of a good citizen.
b.     Why is it necessary to follow traffic rules?
c.      When and how did the earth originate?
d.     What is atmosphere? What does it consist of?
e.      Write any four difference between latitudes and longitudes.
f.       Are these lines latitudes or longitudes : 85Of, 15OS, 26ON, 170OW ? Write the notification.
g.     Draw a map of Nepal and divide into three topographical regions.
h.     Show difference between the Himalayan Region and the Terai region.
i.       How are maps useful for us?
j.       What are the major effects of climate change? Write any four.
7.    Give long answer of these questions. [18]
a.  “United we stand, divided we fall”. Explain the statement with suitable examples.
b.  Write a letter to your sister explaining what she should do before a disaster.
c.   Climate influences the way of life and costumes of people. Justify.

                                      *Best of Luck*

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