Sunday, August 20, 2017

National News ; Nepal

            Construction of tunnel at Ghalemdi Hydro Power Project  

Babiyachaur (Myagdi), Aug 21: The construction of a tunnel of Ghalemdi Hydro Power Project at Narchyang of Annapurna rural municipality – 4 has been completed.

Two tunnels constructed from the dam and outlet were linked together on Sunday under the five – megawatt project being developed by the Ghalemdi Hydro Ltd.

A 1000 – metre tunnel was constructed from the outlet which was linked with the 695 – metre tunnel jutting out from the dam, according to company's Chairman, Kishor Subedi.

Due to lack of a road network to the dam located in the lap of Mt Annapurna, the necessary building materials had been transported on a mule. The tunnel was dug out with use of explosives under the supervision of Nepal Army and the police force. RSS
02-       RBB staff arrested as accomplice in bank fraud case

Gaushala, Aug 21: The local authorities here have arrested an employee with the Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) in Mahottari for alleged involvement in the Rs 4 million bank fraud case.

RPP Jaleshwor Branch's senior assistant technician, Mahendra Sah, 57, of Jaleshwor municipality – 2 was taken into custody as an accomplice after two employees at the Bardibas branch were arrested for using fake signatures to withdraw Rs 2 million from an account holder.

Sah has been overseeing the signature management in the Jaleshwor branch and sending signatures to all the other branches, according to District Police Office, Mahottari's Superintendent of Police (SP), Kuber Kathayat.

RBB Bardibas' senior assistant duo, Jagadish Kafle, 48, of Bardibas municipality – 8 and Ambika Poudel, 35, of Dhulikehl municipality – 11 were arrested more than a week ago in the case.

They had withdrawn the amount with help of a forged cheque from a savings account no 80394 belonging to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Regional Office Biratnagar's engineer, Sri Prakash Narayan Singh, a native of Sandha in Mahottari.   
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They had also withdrawn Rs 500,000 from RBB branch office in Lalbandi of Sarlahi district and Rs 1.5 million from RBB's Mirchaiya branch in Siraha using forged cheques.

Singh filed a complaint with the District Police Office, Mahottari leading to the arrest of the two staffers. During police interrogation, the duo also named five other employees as accomplices in the scam.

A technician was arrested in course of the investigation into the two charged under the banking fraud case, police said. RSS
03-       Second one – horned rhino rescued from India

Ratnanagar (Chitwan), Aug 21: One more one-horned rhino swept away across the border to India by a swollen river has been rescued unharmed.

The mature female rhino was rescued from India's Balmiki town and brought back home this morning to Sauraha, Chitwan National Park (CNP) assistant conservation official, Abhiyan Pathak said.

The rhino was darted and transported on a truck from India. It arrived at 1:30 am at the eastern sector of Sauraha in CNP. This is the second one-horned rhino to be swept away to India and rescued unharmed.

Two more rhinos have been swept away to India and the CNP has dispatched a technical team to retrieve the rhinos, CNP Information Official and assistant conservation official, Nurendra Aryal said. 

On August 18, a female one-horned rhino of estimated two and a half years of age was rescued from Bagaha area located 42 km sought of the Nepal – India border. RSS
04-       14 – year – old disappears after jumping into Seti river

Pokhara, Aug 21: A teenage girl has disappeared after jumping into the Seti river at Ramghat section in Pokhara – Lekhnath Metropolitan City.

14 – year – old Agni Gurung, a native of Shivachowk and currently living at Ram Bazaar, jumped into the river on Sunday evening, according to Baidam Ward Police Office. She is a ninth grader at Kalika Higher Secondary School.

Police have also recovered what seems to be a suicide note in which Gurung has written 'No one should touch my body'. RSS
05-       Nepali migrant worker dies in India 

Jajarkot, Aug 21: A youth who went to India to earn money through manual work to fund his studies has died.
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21 – year – old Gopal Rawat of Junichande rural municipality – 1 had gone to Rajgarh in Sirmaur of India in search of work on July 21.

He died in a road accident at Bhuinra link road in Sirmaur, according to his relative Krishna Bahadur Khadka.

Rawat is a 12th grader at Aadarsha Higher Secondary School located at Luhadaha of Junichande rural municipality – 4. Most of the youths from poor economic background here have a tendency to go to India to find work and make money to feed their family members. RSS
06-       Ward member dies after getting swept by river

Dadeldhura, Aug 21: A ward member has died after getting swept away by the Puturu river at Parasuram municipality, said police.

45 – year – old Narab Bahadur Dhami of ward no 6 was swept away at 8:30 pm on Sunday night while returning home from Jogbudha Bazaar. 

He was wading across the river when the incident took place. His body was recovered one km downstream on Monday morning, Jogbudha Area Police Office said. RSS
(Editor : Sandesh Shrestha)

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