Sunday, August 20, 2017

national News : Nepal

            Cabinet expanded with eight Ministers of State

            Kathmandu, Aug 20: Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has expanded the Cabinet, inducting eight Ministers of State today. With this, the Cabinet has grown to 31 members (three Deputy Prime Ministers, 19 ministers and eight state ministers).

            The newly appointed State Ministers include Mohammad Jakir Hussein (Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare), Ram Singh Yadav (Ministry of Health), Shyam Kumar Shrestha (Home Ministry), Shambhu Lal Shrestha (Ministry of Energy) and Karna Bahadur BK (Ministry of Supplies).

            Other newly inducted State Ministers are Chham Bahadur Gurung (Ministry of Urban Development), Goma Kunwar (Ministry of Livestock Development) and Ongdi Sherpa (Ministry of General Administration. All of them are from CPN (Maoist Centre).

            PM Deuba administered the oath of office and secrecy to the newly appointed State Ministers at the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers this noon. (Photo available)
21-       Participating in Dahal-led government a blunder

            Hetauda, Aug 20:  Rastriya Prajatantra Party Chair Kamal Thapa has said that his party's participation in the Pushpa Kamal Dahal-led government was a great error. 

            In a press meet organized here after concluding the central committee meeting Sunday, Chair Thapa added that his involvement in that government resulted in detrimental effect to the party.  

            Chair Thapa further said that government failed to forward the constitution amendment bill for restoring the Hindu Sate, which his party had advocated for.

            Chair Thapa who is also the former Deputy Prime Minister shared that the meeting decided to vote against the constitution amendment bill forwarded by the government. RSS
22-       Denying public information sharing crime-like: NIC Chief Commissioner Baskota 

            Pokhara, Aug 20: Chief Information Commissioner, Krishna Hari Baskota, has termed the tendency of public agencies to hide or denying sharing information was crime-like act.
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            Anyone in public agencies denying information may face action up to the fine of Rs 25,000 as per the new constitution, he reminded.

            The Chief Information Commission however said the Commission takes responsibility in case any chief or information officer at the public agency is booked merely for providing information to people.

            "Right to information is fundamental rights of citizens," he argued during a programme organised in Pokhara by the Community Information Society Pokhara on the occasion of Information Day on Sunday.

            On the occasion, news reader Kamal Poudel at Sarankot FM was awarded with the 'Community Information Society Journalist Award' for his contribution to the society through journalism. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 11,111 and a letter of appreciation.

            Information officer at the District Education Office Dipendra Dhakal and Binod Giri, who has contributed to information technology development, were also honoured. RSS (Photo available)
23-       Speaker Gharti praises role of Nepal Police Wives' Association

            Kathmandu, Aug. 20: Speaker Onsari Gharti has praised the role of Nepal Police Wives Association in the field of social services.

            At a programme organized on the 33rd anniversary of the Association in the capital city Sunday, she said that the Association has played vital roles in social service, relief distribution during the time of disasters, rehabilitation against drug addiction and many others.

            She also stressed the need for more effective programmes in the days to come.

            On the occasion, Speaker Gharti facilitated former chairs and vice-chairs of Association for their service during the time of disasters.

            Likewise, Speaker Gharti released the mouth piece of Association 'Sahachari 2074'.

            Also speaking at the programme, Inspector General of Nepal Police Prakash Aryal said that the social services carried out by the Association have heightened the professional dignity of the Nepal Police. RSS
24-       Lawmakers divided on second amendment of constitution bill

            Kathmandu, Aug 20: The lawmakers have been divided on the Nepal Constitution (2nd Amendment) Bill-2073 presented in the Legislature-Parliament after long political debates.
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            During the parliament meeting Sunday, the lawmakers from opposition parties- CPN-UML, CPN-ML and Nepal Workers and Peasant Party, and Janmorcha Nepal- severely censured the tabling of the second amendment of the constitution, arguing that it was a misplaced priority, while the lawmakers from the ruling Nepali Congress, CPN (Maoist Centre) and Federal Socialist Forum said the amendment was imperative to address the aspiration of the people from Tarai/Madhes. (More…)
25-       Embossed number plate to be introduced Monday

            Kathmandu, Aug 20: Department of Transport has decided to enforce the embossed number plate for the vehicles from tomorrow.

            Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (MoPIT) had sought the suggestions from Ministry of Finance for the same last year and after a long consultation it is coming into effect.

            Enforcement of the machine-made number plates will help the traffic police maintain uniformity in the issuance of vehicle numbers, manage vehicular movement, maintain scientific record of vehicles and control auto theft, among others issues, said Department Spokesperson Tokraj Pandey.  

            With this new provision in place, vehicles could be identified easily and their activities monitored from radio frequency from five check points of the Kathmandu Valley and other five from outside the Kathmandu Valley. 

            Transport Minister Bir Bahadur Balayar is scheduled to launch the service amid a function at the Department Monday.  RSS

Lawmakers divided on second amendment of constitution bill-II

The lawmakers from the ruling parties underscored that time had come to amend the constitution as per the changed context. Every democratic country amends constitution from time to time, they added.

Taking part in the clause-wise discussion on the bill, the lawmakers from the opposition parties urged the government to withdraw the amendment bill.

UML lawmaker Bharat Mohan Adhikari said the provision of representation in the House of Representatives should not affect the structure of local, provincial and central parliaments.

Bhim Rawal of the same party said amendment proposal has enfeebled the spirit of the constitution. It has suppressed the rights of people's representatives, he added, arguing that the amendment proposal was against national interest.
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Rabindra Adhikari further said the amendment bill would not be passed from the Legislature-Parliament, as it was brought forcefully.

Rameshwor Phunyal said the amendment proposal was a misplaced priority. Similarly, Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel urged the government to withdraw the amendment bill because it would promote foreign language while shrinking the Nepali language.

CPN (ML) lawmaker CPN Mainali said that the amendment proposal tabled in the Parliament by the government should be withdrawn and discussions held in the parliamentary committee.

Lawmaker of Nepal Workers Peasants Party (NWPP) Prem Suwal said that the amendment proposal was completely faulty.

Anuradha Thapa Magar of the same party said that the government was doing wrong thing by bringing the amendment proposal at a time when all are supposed to stand firm in defense of country's sovereignty.

Likewise, lawmakers Kedar Prasad Sanjel, Guru Prasad Burlakoti, Sharada Kumari BK, Rishikesh Pokharel, Anarkali Miya, Bhawani Khapung, Rajendra Pandey, Bikas Lamsal and others of opposition parties voiced against the amendment proposal.

However, lawmaker Lal Babu Raut of Federal Socialist Forum said that the proposal was relevant and timely, adding that those opposing the proposal were not accepting the agendas of changes.

Chief Whip of the Nepali Congress Chin Kaji Shrestha added that the proposal was brought with the pious purpose to address the demands of the Madhesi, Tharu, Janajati and indigenous communities.

Likewise, lawmakers Nagendra Kumal, Laxman Lal Karna and Ram Narayan Bidari said that proposal was meant for ensuring rights to the people and terming it anti-national was totally wrong.

The next meeting of the House shall be held at 1:00pm in the afternoon on Monday. RSS
26-       Commemorative book on Swami Prapannacharya

            Kathmandu, Aug 20: A memorial book compiling articles penned by many scholars about the late Dr Swami Prapannacharya, a Hindu scholar and sage, has been brought to readership. The book concentrated on contribution of Swami Prapannacharya to the oriental philosophy. 

            Rastrakabi Madhav Prasad Ghimire released the book amid a programme organised in memory of his 2nd memorial day in the capital city Saturday.
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            Late Swami Prapannacharya had authored many books on literature and culture, besides having many research-based creations published in Nepali. Bed Ma Ke Chha (What is in Veda?) is one of his popular creations. He was also the member of the then Raj Parishad Standing Committee.

            The book is edited by Hari Prasad Sodari. Other editors include Basudev Prapanna, Dr Milan Kumar Thapa, Shankar Poudel and Keshar Rai.

            Speaking at the event, Ghimire appreciated Swami Prapannacharya as an eminent Kirati figure for his contribution to the Veda.

            Other speakers like former Prime Minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand, former Speaker Tara Nath Ranabhat, culture expert Satya Mohan Joshi and Sodari also praised Swami Prapannacharya. RSS
27-       Dahal urges ex-party leaders for unity 

            Kathmandu, Aug 20:  CPN (Maoist Centre) Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal has expressed his confidence that the leaders including Dr Baburam Bhattarai, Mohan Baidya and Netra Bikram Chand, who had left the party, would return to the mother party sooner or later.

            While speaking in a programme organized to welcome ex-party leaders Ram Chandra Jha and Ram Kumar Sharma in the capital city Sunday, Chair Dahal urged other leaders for the unity, reasoning it was people's expectation.

            Leaders Jha and Ram Kumar Sharma left the Dr Bhattarai-led Naya Shakti Party.

Chair Dahal further argued that Dr Bhattarai has adequate knowledge but lacks discretion, resulting in flopped leadership.

            In another context, Chair Dahal who is also the former Prime Minister shared that his party now has revived the agenda of directly elected executive head of the State as it would contribute to political stability in the country. 

            Speaking in the programme, leader Jha said that Dr Bhattarai lacked political agenda, so failed to have clear roadmap to run the party.

            Similarly, leader Sharma said Dr Bhattarai could not meet their aspiration from the new party.      Present on the occasion were leader Narayan Kaji Shrestha and Ram Bahadur Thapa, among others. RSS
28-       Kushe Aunshi, Moti Jayanti today
            (To be disseminated on Aug 21)

            Kathmandu, Aug 21: Hindus in the country are collecting kush, a holy grass used while performing various holy rituals as Shraddha [holy rituals remembering the departed ancestors] and religious rituals, across the country today.
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            There is a religious belief that keeping kush cut by the priests and anointed with sacred verses or mantras in the house brings wellbeing to the household.

            The Hindu community regards kush, Tulashi (basil plant), peepal and shaligram (ammonite stone) as the symbols of Lord Bishnu.

            Also known as the day of Gokarne Aunshi, the children feed their fathers with delicious food items including sweets, and show reverence. It is also called Father's Day.

            As per the religious belief of 'pitridevo bhava' (respect to ancestors), the son and daughter receive blessing from their fathers, and those whose fathers are already dead go to any pilgrimage site and perform shraddha, the holy ritual. Doing this, it is believed that, their lineage will remain stable for ever.

            Main pilgrimage sites to perform shraddha are Gokarna of Kathmandu, Betrawati of Rasuwa, and Bishnupaduka of Dharan.

            Similarly, the 150th birth anniversary of Nepali litterateur Motiram Bhatta is being celebrated across the nation by organising different programmes.

            Born on Kushe Aunshi in 1923 BS, Bhatta died on Kushe Aunshi in 1953BS at the age of 30. Despite his short life, Bhatta had remarkable contribution to Nepali literature. RSS 
29-       Floods claim 143 lives, Home Ministry says

Kathmandu, Aug. 20: The Ministry of Home Affairs has said that the flood, landslides and inundations occurred in the country claimed lives of 143 people.

Issuing a press statement this evening, the Ministry said that a total of 30 persons were still missing while 43 got injuries.

Likewise, 79,812 houses were completely damaged from the flood, landslides and inundation while 144,444 houses were partially damaged in the disaster.

The Ministry has also said that the relief distribution was going on in the war footing in the affected districts.

The Ministry added that a helicopter of the Nepal Army transported a total of 1200 kilograms of relief materials from Dhading district headquarters to Ruby Valley.

Likewise, relief materials and tarps were sent to Rautahat and Parsa districts in two trucks of the Armed Police Force, Nepal from the Nepal Food Corporation (NFC), Thapathali.
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The relief distribution was continuous in Mahottari, Sunsari and Siraha districts.

The Ministry added that tarps, blankets, mattress, mosquito nets, cooking pots and rice were provided to the affected families.

As per the decision of the government, Rs 200,000 is being distributed to the families of those killed in the flood, landslides and inundation. RSS
30-       Minister Thapa for implementation of humanitarian law

Kathmandu, Aug 20: Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Yagya Bahadur Thapa, has said time has come to fully implement and internalize the humanitarian law in view of the armed conflict and the growing natural disasters and armed conflicts.

In the inaugural of the 7th South Asian Conference on International Humanitarian Law in the capital city Sunday, Minister Thapa said Nepal government has highly valued the role the International Committee of the Red Cross played.

He reminded that conference that Nepal government has adopted a range of policy, legal and institutional measures to ensure an effective implementation of international conventions on international humanitarian law as well as other treaties to which Nepal is a party. RSS
31-       FNJ convention endorses general secretary's report

Kathmandu, Aug 20: The report put forth by General Secretary of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) Ujir Magar and treasurer Surya Mani Gautam was discussed and passed by the FNJ's 25th General Convention ongoing in the Capital.

A 21-point statute on contemporary issues related to press freedom was also endorsed. A strategic viewpoint paper for the next two years was presented and passed from the closed session of the Convention. Also, journalist security policy has been endorsed. The closed session was chaired by FNJ's former President Tara Nath Dahal. 

Gobinda Acharya and Tirtha Koirala are running for the post of President of the FNJ.

The voting is scheduled on Monday RSS
Editors : Narayan Ghimire, Mahendra Subedi, Dipendra Adhikari & Pritam Bhattarai


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