Monday, March 20, 2017

Second River Summit highlights need of forming powerful National River Commission

Second River Summit highlights need of forming powerful National River Commission

Kathmandu, March 20: The need of introducing and implementing a National River Policy and forming a powerful National River Commission has been stressed for sustainable management and utilisation of river resources.     

The Second River Summit that concluded on the bank of Trishuli at Chhebetar of Gorkha Sunday highlighted the need of developing an integrated watershed management system and immediately beginning research and study about rivers to determine bases, types and priorities for utilisation of river resources.
The 13-point Trishuli Declaration adopted by the conference stressed that polices, rules, laws, and projects to be formulated at the local level should incorporate the issues pertaining sustainable conservation of river resources and their management.  The declaration, condemning efforts at controlling a river system including its natural flow, demanded a guarantee of the right of future generation to the use of river sources. 
Calling for institutionalizing the provision of receiving certain percentage of the gains of river-based development projects by the riparian communities like Majhi, Bote, Raji  Musahar, Danuwar and Sudana  who have indispensible relationship with river resources, the  Summit demanded immediately stop what it called haphazard encroachment on river resources. 
The Summit  organised by Nepal River Conservation Association, Youth Alliance for Development, Tribhuvan University  and the Kathmandu University proclaiming to hold the National  River Summit in March in every two years agreed to meet on the bank of the Karnali River in March 2019 for the third Summit. RSS


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